Thursday, June 24, 2010

Well, it's Official!

Here it is. My video application to ...

Now we play the waiting game.. well you know the quote, and if you don't shame on you. Been a busy week, my training has begun again. Rode my bike to work today, 10k round trip. Did the standard deck/fence thing for the day. Going to start running again tomorrow, rain or shine. As a friend of mine has told me, a little rain won't kill you. I guess I just need to suck it up. Oops Wipeout is on now, i must go and research! One must be prepared for one's trials, self imposed or not.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Well, here it is... Nothing terribly impressive right? Well, give it time. I will add what I can, but keep in mind that I am new to this whole blog/computer posting/social networking thing. Just so you all know a little background on me. I am 33, male, trying to get onto Wipeout Canada. I am a goalie for a great group of guys in a hockey "league". I have a friend who has a great site which I hope to add a link to on this blog, all about video games and the electronic entertainment industry. I am married to a wonderful woman, and have a fantastic little girl. I will post more when I can, but I am fairly busy so I may not be able to do regular postings.

